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09. Umm-ul-Mumineen Hazrat Safiyyahh Huyai (رضی اللہ عنہا)

SAFIYYAH – The Mother of The Believers 

By Allah, She is Truthful

She is the daughter of Huyayy bin Akhtab from the descendants of the Messenger of Allah Harun, peace be upon him. Before her acceptance of Islam, she was married to Salam bin Al Haqiq. After that Kinanah bin AI-Haqiq took her over. They were both poets of the Jews. Kinanah was killed at the battle of Khaybar and she was captured. She fell to the lot of Dihya Al Kalbi. It was said to the Prophet regarding her: “It is not fitting for her to be for anybody other than you.” So he took her away from Dihya and replaced in lieu of her seven heads (of slaves).”
Thereafter, after she became pure, the Prophet married her and made her emancipation her mahr (dowry).
Anas bin Malik R.A. narrated: “The Prophet took Safiyyah from Dihya Al-Kalbi in lieu of seven heads and then entrusted her to Umm Sulaim so that she may embellish and prepare her (for marriage). Her walimah was clarified butter, cheese and dates.”  She was noble, intelligent and a woman of noble descent, beauty and pious. She was gentle and dignified.


Fervency of Her Love for the Prophet


Zayd bin Aslam said that: “When the Prophet was in his last illness (prior to his death) his wives gathered around him. Safiyyah bint Huyayy said: ‘By Allah, 0 Prophet of Allah, I wish it was I who was suffering instead of you.’ The wives of the Prophet winked at that and the Messenger of Allah looked at them and said, ‘Rinse out your mouths!‘ They said: ‘For what?’ He said: ‘Because of your winking at her. By Allah, she spoke truthfully.”‘


The Prophet’s Concern for Her


Anas R.A.’ narrated : ” We were returning with Allah’s Messenger; myself, and Abu Talhah. Safiyyah was riding behind him. His camel tripped and he fell and she fell too. Abu Talhah jumped from his horse and rushed to the Prophet. He said: “0 Prophet of Allah, are you hurt?” He said: “No, take care of the lady.” Abu Talhah drew his cloth over his face and went toward her. He threw a cloth on her and supported her on to his camel. She rode and the Prophet also rode.”

Observe this lofty manner. Abu Talhah covering his face, throwing a cloth on her so that he does not touch her directly with his hands. We are in no need of anything more than these kinds of manners at a time when manners are comatose and putrefied characters became manifest in its most base pictures and shapes.


Her Death


She died in the 50th year (of Hijrah). It is also said that

she died in the 52nd yeal’ of llijrah and it is also said that her date of death is other than that. She was buried at Al-Baqi.





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