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4. “Hazrat Ali (رضي الله عنه): The Brave Warrior”

Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA)


Hazrat Ali (RA) was one of the most beloved companions of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and a key figure in early Islamic history. His story is one of bravery, wisdom, kindness, and loyalty. Let’s explore his life in a simple and exciting way!

Early Life

Hazrat Ali (RA) was born in Mecca in the year 600 CE into the respected Banu Hashim tribe. His father was Abu Talib, who was the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). His mother, Fatimah bint Asad, was a kind and noble woman.

When Hazrat Ali (RA) was just a child, his family faced a difficult time, and he came to live with his cousin, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), because his uncle, Abu Talib, needed support. So, from a very young age, Hazrat Ali (RA) grew up in the household of the Prophet (ﷺ), learning from him and witnessing his noble character.

Accepting Islam

When Hazrat Ali (RA) was still a young boy, he was one of the first people to accept Islam. He was only around ten years old when he heard the Prophet (ﷺ) teaching about the Oneness of Allah and the message of Islam. Hazrat Ali (RA) believed in the Prophet’s message and became one of his earliest followers. His love and loyalty to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) grew stronger as he learned more about Islam.

Bravery in Battles

Hazrat Ali (RA) was known for his courage and bravery in the battles that he fought in for the sake of Islam. He participated in many important battles, including the Battle of Badr, Battle of Uhud, and Battle of Khaibar.

In the Battle of Khaibar, the Muslims were fighting against the enemies who had fortified themselves in a strong fortress. The Prophet (ﷺ) promised that the flag would be given to a man who was beloved by Allah and His Messenger, someone who loved Allah and His Messenger in return. The next morning, when Hazrat Ali (RA) came forward, the Prophet (ﷺ) handed him the flag, and under his leadership, the Muslims won the battle.

The Special Relationship with the Prophet (ﷺ)

Hz. Ali (RA) was not just a companion but also the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). He married the Prophet’s beloved daughter, Hazrat Fatimah (RA), and they had two sons: Hazrat Hasan (RA) and Hazrat Hussain (RA), who became important figures in Islamic history.

Hazrat Ali (RA) was deeply loved by the Prophet (ﷺ). In one famous incident, when the Prophet (ﷺ) was leaving Medina to fight in a battle, he told Hazrat Ali (RA) that he would be like the brother of the Prophet, just like Hazrat Harun (AS) was to Hazrat Musa (AS). However, the Prophet (ﷺ) also mentioned that there would be no Prophet after him, making it clear that Hazrat Ali’s (RA) role was one of great importance.

Becoming the Fourth Caliph

After the tragic martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman (RA), Hazrat Ali (RA) was chosen as the fourth Caliph of Islam in 656 CE. As the Caliph, Hazrat Ali (RA) worked hard to keep the Muslim community united, promote justice, and uphold the teachings of Islam. However, his reign was full of challenges, as some groups within the community did not agree with his leadership.

One of the most famous events during his caliphate was the Battle of Jamal, where Hazrat Ali (RA) faced opponents, including Hazrat Ayesha (RA), the Prophet’s wife. Despite the disagreement, Hazrat Ali (RA) sought peace and justice. He always acted in the best interest of the Muslim Ummah (community), trying to unite the people.

The Battle of Siffin was another difficult time during his leadership. It was fought between Hazrat Ali (RA) and Muawiya, the governor of Syria. Although both sides were Muslim, the battle led to significant loss of life. After much conflict, Hazrat Ali (RA) wanted to find a peaceful solution, but the division in the community grew.

The Martyrdom of Hazrat Ali (RA)

On the 17th of Ramadan, 661 CE, Hazrat Ali (RA) was struck by a poisoned sword while he was praying in the mosque in Kufa, Iraq.

He was taken to his home, where he passed away after a few days of suffering. Hazrat Ali (RA) was 60 years old at the time of his death.

His martyrdom was a great loss to the Muslim Ummah, but his life continues to inspire Muslims around the world. He is remembered for his bravery, wisdom, and commitment to justice. His teachings are still followed by millions, and he is considered one of the greatest figures in Islam.


Hazrat Ali (RA) left behind a legacy of justice, courage, and faithfulness to Allah and His Messenger. He is often remembered for his wise words, his love for the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), and his role in shaping the early Islamic community. His life serves as an example of how to lead with integrity, stand up for what is right, and remain patient during difficult times.


A Short Summary:

Hazrat Ali (RA) was one of the closest companions of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and his beloved cousin. He was known for his courage, wisdom, and loyalty to Islam. From a young age, he believed in the message of Islam and became one of the first to accept it.

He participated in many key battles like Badr and Uhud, where his bravery helped Muslims win important victories. Hazrat Ali (RA) was not only a warrior but also a loving husband to Hazrat Fatimah (RA), the Prophet’s daughter, and the father of Hazrat Hasan (RA) and Hazrat Hussain (RA).

After the martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman (RA), Hazrat Ali (RA) became the fourth Caliph of Islam. His leadership faced challenges, including conflicts with other groups. Despite these difficulties, Hazrat Ali (RA) always sought justice and peace.

In 661 CE, Hazrat Ali (RA) was tragically martyred while praying. His life is remembered for his bravery, wisdom, and deep love for the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). Hazrat Ali (RA) remains an inspiration to Muslims around the world for his faith, leadership, and dedication to justice.

This summary is simple, direct, and highlights key aspects of Hazrat Ali’s (RA) life for children to understand and appreciate his significance in Islamic history.



✿ Question & Answers:



➤ Basic Information:


1Q: Who was Hazrat Ali (RA)?

A: The cousin and companion of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

2Q: Who was Hazrat Ali (RA)’s father?

 A: Abu Talib.

3Q: Who was Hazrat Ali (RA)’s mother?

 A: Fatima bint Asad.

4Q: What relation was Hazrat Ali (RA) to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)?

A: Cousin and son-in-law.

5Q: Who raised Hazrat Ali (RA)?

A: Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

6Q: What was Hazrat Ali (RA)’s wife’s name?

A: Fatima (RA), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

7Q: How many Children did Hazrat Ali (RA) have from Fatima (RA)?

A: 5 Children.

Three sons: 1. Hasan (RA)  2. Hussain (RA) 3. Mohsin(RA) .

& 2 Daughters 1. Zinab Kubra & 2. Umme Kulsum Kubra.


➤ Important Titles and Skills


8Q What was Hazrat Ali (RA)’s nickname?

A: Asadullah (Lion of Allah).

9Q: What title shows Hazrat Ali (RA)’s bravery?

A: Lion of Allah

10Q: Who gave Hazrat Ali (RA) the title “Lion of Allah”?

A: Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

11Q: What special skill was Hazrat Ali (RA) known for?

 A: His strong speeches and wisdom.

12Q: What was Hazrat Ali (RA) famous for during battles?

A: His sword, Zulfiqar.

13Q: Which famous gate did Hazrat Ali (RA) break in battle?

 A:  The gate of Khaibar.


➤ Major Events and Role


14Q: What battles did Hazrat Ali (RA) fight in?

 A: Badr and Uhud

15Q: How many years did Hazrat Ali (RA) serve as Caliph?

 A: Five years.

16Q: What was Hazrat Ali (RA)’s title as a leader?

A: Fourth Caliph of Islam.

17Q: Where did Hazrat Ali (RA) move the Islamic capital?

A: From Madinah to Kufa

18Q: What was Hazrat Ali (RA) known for as a judge?

A: His fairness and wisdom.


➤ Final Moments and Legacy


19Q: How did Hazrat Ali (RA) pass away?

 A: He was martyred during prayer.

20Q: What was Hazrat Ali (RA) holding when he was martyred?

 A: The Qur’an.

21Q: Where is Hazrat Ali (RA) buried?

A: Najaf, Iraq.

22Q: What is the name of the month Hazrat Ali (RA) was martyred?

A: Ramadan.


Prepared by Umme Abdul Rahman.
Graduate Alim/Alimah.
Founder & Director of



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