55. FAQR-O-GHUROOR AUR TAKHNON SE NECHE KAPDE PAHENNA [Wearing waist wrapper, robe, clothing & trousers long out of arrogance, pride & boastfulness]
Allah ta’ala ne farmaya:
وَلَا تَمْشِ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ مَرَحًا ۖ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ
“Aur zameen par itraa kar na chal, Allah kisi itrane wale aur shaikhi khoure ko passand nahi karta.”
Luqman : 18
Aur Nabi ﷺ ne farmaya: azaar ka jo hissa takhno se neeche hai wo aag mein hai.” [Bukhari: 5787]
Aur Ap ﷺ ne farmaya:
“Allah us shakhs ki taraf (nazre Rehmat se) nahi dekhega jis ne apna azaar az rah tak’kabur ghaseeta.” [Bukhari: 5788; Muslim: 2087]
Aur Aap ﷺ ne farmaya:
“Teen qisam kay log hain, Allah roz e qayamat un se kalam karega, na un ki taraf dekhega aur na hi unhe paak karega, aur un kay liye dardnaak azab hai. Azaar latkane wala, ahsaan jatane wala aur jhooti qasam se apna souda bechne wala.”
Ye bhi Hadith mein hai: “aik admi aik jhoora zaib e tann kiye hue, sar mein kangi kiye hue apne ap ko bara samajhte hue tak’kabur na chaal se chala jaraha tha keh achanak Zameen ne usse dhansa diya aur wo qayamat tak us mein dhansta chala jaega.” [ Bukhari: 5789: Muslim: 2088]
Aur Aap ﷺ ne farmaya:
“Jis shakhs ne azz raah tak’kabur apne kapre ko ghaseeta tou roz e qayamat Allah us ki taraf nahi dekhega.”
Aur Aap ﷺ ne farmaya:
“Kapra latkana izaar aur amame mein hai, jis ne azrahe takabbur isse kuch bhi ghaseeta tou Roz-e-Qayamat Allah uski taraf nahin dekhega” [ Abu Dawood: 4094]
Aur Aap ﷺ ne farmaya:
“Momin ki tehband uski pindli tak hai aur agar woh pindli aur takhnon kay mabain hai tou bhi koi harj nahin lekin jo takhnon se neeche hai tou woh aag mein hai ” [Abu Dawood: 4093]
Aur yeh cheez libas kay muta’alliq aam hai khuwah woh shalwar ho, kapra ho, jubba wa dastar ya qubaa wa sherwani, pas ham Allah ta’ala se aafiat talab karte hain
Abu Hurairah bayan karte hain aik aadmi apna izaar latakae namaz parh raha tha, RasullAllah ﷺ ne use farmaya: “Jao wuzu karo” phir woh aaya tou aap ne farmaya: “Jao wuzu karo” tou aik aadmi ne aap se arz kia, Allah kay Rasul! Aap ne use kis lie hukum farmaya keh woh wuzu kare? Phir kuch dair khamoshi ikhtiyar karne kay ba’ad aap ne farmaya: “woh izaar latka kar namaz parh raha tha, jabkeh Allah us shakhs ki namaz qubool nahin karta jo apna izaar latakata hai” [Abu Dawood: 8086]
Aur Aap ﷺ ne farmaya:
“Jis shakhs ne azrahe takabbur apna izaar latakaya tou Roz-e-Qayamat Allah uski taraf nazre rehmat nahin farmaega “
Tou Abu Bakr ne arz kia, Allah kay Rasul! Mera izaar dheela hojata hai (latak jata hai) jabkeh main iska khayal rakhta hun, tou RasullAllah ﷺ ne farmaya: aap in mein se nahin jo izaar takabbur se latkate hain” [Bukhari: 3665]
Ae Allah! Arhamur Rahimeen! Apni rehmat se apne behtreen lutfo Karam se hamare sath mamla farmana
Book: “Kabeerah Gunah”
Taleef: Shaikh Ul Islam Shams ad-Dīn adh-Dhahabī Rahimahullah.
Urdu Tarjumah: Abu Anas Muhammad Sarwar Gohar.
Dragging the Hem Of One’s Garment Out of Conceit
Allah, the Almighty said,{Nor walk haughtily through the land: For Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster.}
(Luqman: 18)
The Prophet (pbuh) said,”Any part of the caftan of the Muslim below the anklebones is in Hell.”¹
He, (pbuh) said,”Allah will not look at the one who haughtily drags his garment.”²
The Prophet (pbuh) said,”There are three people whom Allah will not speak to, look at, or exonerate on the day of judgment, and who will have a painful torment: he who wears the hem of his garment low (out of pride), he who reminds recipients of his charity to them, and he who sells merchandise swearing that he paid more for it than he actually did.”³
In another narration, it is reported that,”While a man was walking along in a new set of clothes, with a swagger to his step, pleased with himself and his hair combed down, Allah caused the earth to swallow him and he will keep sinking until the last day.”⁴
The Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, “He who, out of pride, drags his garment, Allah will not look at him on the Day of Judgment.”⁵
The Prophet (pbuh) is also reported to have said, “D ragging applies to one’s garment, shirt and turban. He who, out of pride, drags any of them, Allah will not look at him on the Day of Judgment.”⁶
The Prophet (pbuh) is also reported to have said, “The caftan of the Muslim comes down to mid calf, there being no harm in what is between this and the ankle bones, though any of it below the ankle bones is in Hell.”⁷
This judgment applies to all kinds of clothing. So, we ask Allah for safety. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said,
“While a man was praying, dragging his garment on the ground, the Prophet of Allah said to him,
¹It is previously mentioned. ²Reported by AI-Baihaqi in Shu’ab Al-Iman. ³Reported by AI-Bukhari. ⁴ It is previously mentioned. ⁵ It is previously mentioned. ⁶ It is previously mentioned. ⁷Reported by Abu Dawud. |
“Go and make Wudu’ (ablution) again” he went and made ablution and came. The Prophet (pbuh) said,”Go and make Wudu’ again.” A man asked, 0 Messenger of Allah, why did you order him to renew his Wudu’? The Prophet (pbuh) kept silent for a while, then he said, “He was praying while letting his garment to reach the ground, and Allah does not accept the prayer of such a person.”¹
When the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said that,”Whoever lets the hem of his garment drag on the ground out of pride, Allah will not look at him”, AbuBakr (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “0 Messenger of Allah my garment is always dragging on the ground unless I restrain it. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “You are not one of those who do it out of pride.”²
¹Reported by Abu Dawud ²Reported by Abu Dawud. |
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