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246. Supplication at the time of going to Bed and Waking up

Chapter 246

Supplication at the time of going to Bed and Waking up



  1. Hudhaifah and Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Whenever the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) went to bed, he would supplicate: “Bismika-Allahumma amut wa ahya (With Your Name, O Allah, I die and return to life)”; and when he woke up, he would supplicate thus: “Al-hamdu lillahilladhi ahyana ba`da ma amatana, wa ilaihin-nushur (All praise belongs to Allah Who has restored us back to life after causing us to die; and to Him shall we return).”


Commentary: The greatest benefit of such Du`a is that one always remembers Allah and keeps Him all the time in mind.


Riyadh ul Saliheen 



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