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11. Umm-ul-Mumineen Hazrat Maimoona Binte Haris (رضی اللہ عنہا)


The Mother of The Believers

The most pious of us and the one who joined ties of kinship the most” – ‘ A’ishah R..A

She was Maymunah bint Al-Harith bin Hazn Al-Hilaliyyah. She was one of the wives of the Prophet and the sister of Umm AI-Fadl the wife of Abbas and an aunt to Ibn Al-Waleed as well as an aunt to Ibn Abbas. May Allah be pleased with all of them. She was one of the most respected ladies.

Al-Mujahid said: ” She was first married to Mas’ud bin Amr ath-Thaqafi before Islam and he separated from her. Abu Rahm bin ‘Abdul ‘Uzza married her thereafter but he died. The Prophet married her at his conclusion of the Umrah Al-Qada’ in Dhul-Qa’dah in the seventh year (of hijrah).

It is narrated from’ Ali bin’ Abdullah bin Abbas that when the Prophet wanted to leave for Makkah in the year of the Umrah of redemption, he sent Aws bin Khawli and Abu Rafi’ to Al Abbas to many him to Maymunah. Their camels got lost and they remained some days at the flat of Rabigh until the Messenger of Allah caught up with them at Qudayd. They went with him to Makkah. Then he sent to Al-Abbas and mentioned that to him. Maymunah entrusted her affair to Al-Abbas. The Messenger of Allah came to the house of Al-Abbas and asked Al-Abbas for her

hand in marriage and he married her to him.

This is the last woman the Messenger of Allah married. She was an ascetic and devoted.

Shaykh Rashid Rida said: “It is reported that it was the Prophet’s uncle Al-Abbas who urged him to marry her and he was the one who conducted the contract with her permission. If Al-Abbas had not seen a great overriding benefit, he would not have roused his interest in this kind of marriage not even for the pleasure of his own wife.”

The overriding benefit in this blessed marriage eventually became effected. The Prophet became close to the Hilali tribe (her people) and consequently, they had for Allah’s Messenger, a great opinion, for this sagacity; protection, assistance and help. Then they turned to entering the religion of Allah in throngs. They supported and aided Allah’s Messenger and went with him wherever he went.

When the Prophet married Maymunah, she was already on the threshold of old age.

Dear readers! do you see any sign of satisfaction of desire or lust in this kind of marriage? Rather the marriages were occasioned by grace, magnanimity, mercy, political expediency and sagacity.

If desire and lust were the reasons for the Prophet’s marriages, then consider with whom he got married among the women, all of them were widows with the exception of ‘A’ishah. He could have married in their stead young full breasted (mature) maidens of equal age. Who could be more loved by people to be his in-laws? He was the beloved of all hearts, respected by everyone. Nevertheless, he was above marrying in response to the call of his desire and lust. Far elevated, greater (above that). Far be he and very far be he a million times from what is said by the slanderers – may Allah sever their vocal cords and frustrate their efforts – for he is the infallible Prophet.

Maymunah at the Battlefront

She participated in battle so as to attain her portion of struggle in the path of Allah willie she was a wife of Allah’s Messenger! Has Allah not said: “Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward.” (An-Nisa:95)

Therefore, she was in need of this huge reward! In the battle of Tabuk, Maymunah was in the ranks of the fighters providing aid to the wounded and nursing the sick and struggling in the cause of Allah in the real sense. It is reported that she was the first to bring together a female medical aid group and attended to the necessities of the fighters on the field of battle. She was once hit by an enemy arrow while she was carrying water to the wounded. She was nearly killed but for the grace of Allah and His benevolence.


‘A’ishah R.A., said after her death: “By Allah, Maymumah is gone. She was the most fearful of Allah of us and the one who joined the ties of kinship most!”





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