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13. KIYA KARSAKTE HAIN MAYYAT KI TARF SE [Benefitting the deceased]



Mayyat ke farzi rozon ki qaza roze rakhkar wursa ko ada karna chaheye- Fidya bhi diya jasakta hai.

[Bukhari & Muslim]


Mayyat ka qhraza wursa ya koi aur ada kare tou ada hojata hai.

[Bukhari & Muslim]


Zinda ya murdah ki tarf se qurbaani karen tou iska sawab usse milta hai.

[Musnad Daarmi; Ibn majah]


Mayyat ke liye maghfirat ki dua karna iski bakhshish ka sabab hai.

[Sunan Baihaqi]


Agar mayyat ne koi shara’i taur par jayez umoor ki mannat maan rakhi ho aur wo ada karne se qabal mar jaey tou uski tarf se uske warees ko pooti karna chaheye.

[Bukhari; Muslim; Baihaqi; Abu Dawood; Nisai]


Aulaad walidain ki tarf se sadqa kare tou uska sawab walidain ko pohanchta hai.

[Musnad Ahmad; Sunan Nisai]


Mayyat kay mandarje zaiyl A’maal uske sawab mein maut ke baad bhi izaafa karte rahete hain- jinka zikr aik hadees mein hai:


  1. Ilm jo usne logon ko phailaya
  2. Naik Aulaad
  3. Qur’ani taleem jo usne dusron ko seekhaey
  4. Masjid ki tameer
  5. Musafir khana banwana
  6. Sadqa      [Sahih Ibn Qhuzaimah]
[Tafseel ke liye dekhay “Zindah ka murdah ke liye hadiya aur Qur’an khaani]


اللّهمّ قنا عذابك يوم تبعث عبادك




Benefitting the deceased


Making up fasts on behalf of a deceased:[1]


It is permissible for all the heirs to join in this making up of fasts. Whatever it is too hard for them to fast, they may feed poor persons instead, one poor person for each day.[1]


Paying off debts:[2]


[1] Abu Hurayrah, and attributed to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): “The soul of the believer is held back by his debt until it is paid off on his behalf… All of that – i.e., paying off debts and fulfilling obligations, and distributing any bequests – should be done before offering the funeral prayer for him, because no one has any authority over his estate except after he has died and has been prepared for burial. In ar-Ri‘aayah it says that that should be done before washing him, and in al-Mustaw‘ab it says that it should be before he is buried. That is supported by what the authors said: What was done in the early days of Islam is that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) would not offer the funeral prayer for one who owed a debt, and he would say: “Pray for your companion.” It also says in al-Khasaa’is: If it is not possible to pay his debt immediately, because the wealth is not available and so on, then it is recommended for his heir or for others to take responsibility for paying it on his behalf, for the sake of Allah, by offering to guarantee it or to give something as a pledge, because doing that is taking measures to discharge his obligations. Otherwise, the heir is not free of obligation before it is paid off

[2] It is “obligatory to hasten to pay off his debt” refer to the debt of the deceased, whether it is something that he owes to Allah or to other people.

Debts owed to Allah include: zakaah, expiation (kafaarah), fulfilment of vows (nudhoor), and so on.

Debts owed to people include loans, the price of items purchased, rent, liability for damage caused, and other rights that are owed to people. In that case it is obligatory to hasten to settle the matter as soon as possible, and delaying it is haraam.


Offering udhiyah on behalf of the dead:[3]


When it is offered on their behalf as well as on behalf of the living, such as when a man offers a sacrifice on behalf of himself and the members of his  family, and intends thereby both those who are alive and those who are dead. This is permissible, and the basis of that is the fact that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) offered the sacrifice on behalf of himself and the members of his family, some of whom had previously died.[3]


Pray for forgivenes:[4]


“And those who came after them say: ‘Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith’”

[al-Hashr 59:10]


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Pray for forgiveness for your brother and ask that he be made steadfast, for now he is being questioned.” 

And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When you offer the (funeral) prayer for the deceased, then make du’aa’ sincerely for him.”  

With regard to charity, it was narrated in al-Saheehayn from ‘Aa’ishah that a man said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “My mother died suddenly and she did not leave a will, but I think that if she could have spoken she would have given in charity. Will she have a reward if I give in charity on her behalf?” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Yes.”

[Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 1388; Muslim, no. 1004]


Giving charity: 


With regard to charity, it was narrated in al-Saheehayn from ‘Aa’ishah that a man said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “My mother died suddenly and she did not leave a will, but I think that if she could have spoken she would have given in charity. Will she have a reward if I give in charity on her behalf?” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Yes.”

[Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 1388; Muslim, no. 1004]


And it was narrated by al-Bukhaari from Sa’d ibn ‘Ubaadah that his mother died when he was absent, and he said: “O Messenger of Allaah, my mother has died when I was absent. Will it benefit her if I give in charity on her behalf?” He said: “Yes.” He said: “I ask you to bear witness that my garden that bears fruit is given in charity on her behalf.”

[Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2756]



THE Deceased More can Benefit from:


It says in Tuhfat al-Muhtaaj (7/72): 

The deceased can benefit from charity given on his behalf, which includes a waqf of a Mus-haf etc, or digging a well, or planting a tree, whether he does that during his lifetime or it is done by someone else on his behalf after his death. 

With regard to the best ways of benefiting your father(Mother), you should make a lot of du’aa’ for him. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

“and say: ‘My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young’”

[al-Isra’ 17:24]


A Righteous child: 


And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When a person dies, all his good deeds come to an end except three: ongoing charity, or beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who will pray for him.”  

With regard to charity, the best things on which charity may be spent are jihad for the sake of Allaah, building mosques, and helping seekers of knowledge by printing books for them or giving them money that they need. And Allaah knows best.








ورثاء کیا کر سکتے ہیں ؟

میّت کے فرضی روزوں کی قضاء روزہ رکھ کر ورثاء کو ادا کرنا چاہیے_فدیہ بھی دیا جا سکتا ہے.

(بُخاری و مسلم)

میّت کا قرضہ ورثاء یا کوئی اور ادا کرے تو ادا ہو جاتا ہے.

(بُخاری و مسلم)

زندہ یا مردہ کی طرف سے قربانی کریں تو اس کا ثواب اسے ملتا ہے’

( مسند راوی سنن ابنِ ماجہ)

میّت کیلئے مغفرت کی دعا کرنا اس کی بخشش کا سبب ہے .

(سنن بیہقی )

اگر میّت نے کوئی شرعی طور پر جائز امور کی منت مان رکھی ہو اور وہ ادا

کرنے سے قبل مر جائے تو اسکی طرف سے اُسکے ورثاء کو پوری کرنی چاہیے.

( بُخاری و مسلم بیہقی ابو داؤد نسائی)

اولاد والدین کی طرف سے صدقہ کرے تو اسکا ثواب والدین کو پہنچتا ہے.

( مسند احمد سنن نسائی)

میّت کے مندرجہ ذیل اعمال اس کے ثواب میں موت کے بعد بھی اضافہ کرتے رہتے ہیں جنکا ذکر ایک حدیث میں ہے :

۱ علم جو اس نے لوگوں میں پھیلایا
۲نیک اولاد
۳ قرآنی تعلیم جو اس نے دوسروں کو سکھائی
۴ مسجد کی تعمیر
۵ مسافر خانہ

(صحیح ابن خزیمہ سنن بیہقی)

( تفصیل کیلئے دیکھیے زندہ کا مردہ کیلئے ہدایہ اور قرآن خوانی)

اللهم قنا عذابك يوم تبعث عبادك أمين!

ريفر ينس:
“عورت وفات سے غسل و تکفين تک”
مصنفہ : “اُمّ عبد منيب”
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