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06. SHIRK KI TAREEKH [The History of Polytheism]

The History of Shirk

Ibn Abbas (May Allaah be pleased with him) said:

(There were ten centuries between Adam and Noah where all the people had the Tawheed belief.)

When did the Shirk 1st appear on Earth?

– When the righteous people died, Noah’s people started worshipping them, and made idols out of them, and then Allaah sent Noah to invite them to Tawheed.

Appeared with Musa’s people:

– When Musa promised his people that he will be back in thirty days, a man named as-samiree brought an idol to them, and convinced them that this idol is Musa’s God.

Appeared after Jesus:

– When Isa (Jesus) was risen to the heavens, Paulus, a Jew, pretended that he was Christian, tricked the Christians, changed the true message of Isa, and so many followed him.

Appeared on Hijazi lands:

– When Amro ibn Luhi brought idols to the (The Hijazi) Arab lands, he changed the Prophet Ibrahim’s religion, and commanded the people to worship the idols.

Appeared in this Ummah (Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) Nation):

– When the Shi’a’s built on the graves, and created many innovations.

– When the extremist Suffi’s took their scholar as lords.

By Rayan Fawzi Arab.

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