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27. TAWAKKUL KA MA’ANA AUR MAFHOOM [The Meaning of Reliance]



“LINGUISTICALLY” TO rely upon something or someone.

“IN ISLAM” It is true dependence upon Allah, confidence in Him, Whilst taking the necessary means.


  1. Truth- fulness: Be truthful in your dependen ce upon Allah.
  2. Confidence that Allah will fulfil what He has promised.
  3. Taking the necessary lawful means
The proof for Reliance (Tawakkul) is Allah’s saying:

 «And upon Allah alone put your reliance if you are truly believers» Qur’an (5:23),

 and His saying: «And whoever relies upon Allah, then He is sufficient for him» Qur’an (65:3)

The foundation of Shirk is: Entrusting one’s affairs and putting one’s reliance on other than Allaah. This is why Allaah says: “So upon Allaah, put your trust if you are truly believers.” Quran Surah Al-Maa’idah: 23 Further Allah said: “….. And in Allaah let believers put their Trust” Quran Surah Ibrahim 14:11

The scholars say: The object of the verb here “upon Allaah” denotes limitedness. Thus the ayah means: “Put your trust in Allaah alone and not anyone else.” So Allaah has restricted tawakkul to Himself alone apart from others. Upon Allaah” means not upon anyone else. The ayah continues: “…put your trust if you are truly believers.” Allaah has made tawakkul (reliance on Allaah) here a sign of one’s Faith in Him and proof of one’s Tawheed.

As for the one who claims to be a believer and an adherent of Tawheed, but yet then goes on to put his trust in other than Allaah, such as stones, trees, statues, graves, the deceased, and so on, then this person’s claim is false. And he is not a believer since he has entrusted his affairs to someone besides Allaah.

Likewise, one can put his trust in Allaah in order to achieve his worldly needs, such as obtaining provision, preventing an enemy, and repelling harms and dangers from himself.

Umar Ibn Khattab narrated that the Messenger of Allahﷺ”If you were to rely upon Allah with the required reliance, then He would provide for you just as a bird is provided for, it goes out in the morning empty, and returns full stomach.”

 Jami At-Tirmidhi Vol4: 2344 and Ibn Majah 4164


The pagans did not fall into polytheism and disbelief except due to the fact that they put their reliance in other than Allaah, entrusted their affairs to other than Him, and believed in their hearts that someone besides Allaah was able to grant their requests, alleviate their worries and repel harms from them. So they relied on statues, idols, trees, stones, graves, shrines and the deceased. They put their trust in created beings to grant them things that only Allaah could do. So they began to ask them for help, offer sacrifices to them, make oaths to them, and direct various forms of worship to them. This is since they have relied on them apart from Allaah, thinking that they have the power to benefit them, harm them or grant their requests. Due to this, when they put their reliance in other than Allaah and directed their beliefs and worship to other than Him, they disbelieved in Him.


Allaah be pleased with him, said: “Allaah’s aid is sought. O

Allaah, grant me patience; on Allaah do we rely.”

It could also be used in terms of making someone a Wakeel (representative) who is given authority to act in the person’s position. Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy on him, said:

“Wakaalah (from Tawakkul; meaning reliance or appointing) could be used to mean two things:

1) First, Tawkeel, which means to delegate and appoint someone.

2) Second, Tawakkul, which is for someone to act for the person through turning to their Lord. This occurs from two angles, for Allaah the Exalted cares for and helps the slave through preserving what the person delegates to Allaah through reliance. Also, the slave entrusts and relies on their Lord.

As far as the Lord appointing the slave, it is in when Allaah the Exalted Says (what means):

 {But if the disbelievers deny it, then We have entrusted it to a people who are not therein disbelievers.}

[QUR’AAN: 6:89]

 Qataadah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: ‘We have entrusted it to the eighteen prophets that we have mentioned,’ meaning, before this verse. Abu Rajaa’ Al-`Ataaridi said: ‘If the people on earth disbelieve, then we have entrusted the people of the heavens, meaning, the angels.’ Ibn `Abbaas and Mujaahid said: ‘They are the Ansaar, the people of Madeenah.’

The correct view, however, is that whoever acts in accordance with [scripture], through faith, calling to it, struggling for it, and aiding it, then they are the ones that Allaah the Exalted has entrusted.”

It has preceded that Allaah the Exalted might entrust a slave to perform actions of their religion, but it is not said that the person is Allaah’s delegate, because a delegate acts on behalf of the entrusting one by way of representation, and Allaah the Exalted is Alive, does not sleep and does not die, and no one acts as a representative in His actions.

Also, the slave entrusts their Lord the Exalted in all their matters and affairs, as well as in doing the things that He the Exalted has legislated. That is why it was said about Tawakkul that: “It is to remove oneself from the station of lordship, and to engage in servitude [of Allaah].”

The meaning of Allaah the Exalted being the one entrusted by the slave is that He the Exalted suffices them, and cares for their matters and interests. Therefore, for Allaah the Exalted to entrust His slave, it is to show good servitude [on behalf of the slave] and good conduct [on behalf of Allaah], not that Allaah the Exalted needs it; rather, it is a bounty, and it shows the neediness of the slave to Allaah the Exalted. As for the slave entrusting Allah the Exalted, it is to submit to his lordship and to act in accordance with servitude to him.

The difference between reliance (Tawakkul) and Tawaakul:

As discussed earlier, Tawakkul must have an element of adopting the necessary means. As for Tawaakul, then it is to not take the means, and it is not part of Allaah’s Religion in the least. As it is said: whoever abandons Tawakkul has blemished their Tawheed (Islaamic monotheism) and whoever abandons taking the means has blemished sound reasoning.

Tawaakul is one of the reasons the Ummah is weak. A man might sit at home waiting for his sustenance without moving in the least, and says that he is relying on Allaah. Also, people wait for Allaah the Exalted to give them victory over their enemies, but they do not prepare for it through knowledge or any preparations.


                 Therefore, relying upon Allaah can be in religious matters as well as worldly matters. So you should rely on Allaah in your Creed and your Tawheed. And put your trust in Allaah for fulfilling your needs even if your needs are of a worldly nature, such as eating, drinking, clothing and accomplishing some set goals. Put your reliance and trust in Allaah for all matters.

Reliance on Allaah is not limited to just matters of Creed and Tawheed. Rather, it even applies to worldly matters and seeking provision. When it comes to fulfilling any goal, do not rely on anyone besides Allaah. This is since all of the affairs are in the Hand of Allaah. The keys of the heavens and the earth are in His Hand, so we must put our trust and reliance in Him.

All of the needs and objectives of the servants lie in the Hand of Allaah. So how can a person put his trust and reliance in other than Allaah for his religious and worldly matters? No doubt this is from ignorance and turning away from Allaah. Therefore, relying on Allaah is one of the greatest stations of servitude.


EXPLANATION BY “Sheikh Haytham ibn Muhammad sarhan”
Teacher at the prophet’s mosque

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