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Let us mention some of the necessary rules which will enable us to know the imitation that is blameworthy.


The Messenger (ﷺ) has informed us, in narrations which there is no opposition to, that this nation will no doubt follow the tradition of those past nations before it. In an authentic hadeeth mentioned in the Sahih and the Sunan he (ﷺ) said,

“You will follow the ways of those peoples who came before you exactly…”

This portion of it from the Al-Bukhari and Muslim.


There are many hadeeths of this kind. The سنن sunnan referred to in this hadeeth is defined – as the people of knowledge say -“It contains beliefs, [acts of] worship, laws, behaviors or habits, and celebrated festivals.”

The meaning of “those who came before you”, is explained in other hadeeths from the Prophet (ﷺ), in some of which he explained it as the Persians and the Romans, and as the people of the book -the Jews and the Christians – and, he explained it as the kufaar in general, and the idolaters. These texts are all in agreement with each other. As for those of this unmah who are to fall victim to imitating and following the sunnah of the kufaar, they are the sects. This is because the Prophet(ﷺ) (reported that one of those sects will remain clearly on the truth, a victorious sect that reveals the truth, establishes the good and prohibits the evil none will stand in their way until the Hour is established. These people are the saved sect, they are safe from harm and they are upon the truth -free from imitation of the kufaar. So the reports from the Prophet (ﷺ) about the nation that will follow the sunnah of the nations before them, refer to the sects of this Sunnah, who separated from the people of the Sunnah and the Jama’ah.



When the Prophet (ﷺ) informed us of the appearance of assimilation and following the sunnah of the kufaar, he (ﷺ) warned against this matter with severe warning.

  1. He informed of it, and warned against it.
  2. He (ﷺ) warned against imitating the kufaar in general and in detail.

As for the general, He(ﷺ) said,

“Whoever resembles a people, he is one of them.”

Musnad Alunad, 2/50 Abu Dawud with a hadeeth of good narration #4031. It has been authenticated by Al – Albani in Sahih al – Joni’ #6149 [3rd ed.]

As well as the previous hadeeth which stated,

“You will follow the ways of those peoples who came before you exactly…” 

This portion of it from the Two Sahihs.

So this is from the angle of warning and informing about the appearance of imitation. Likewise it is mentioned in many texts that the Prophet (ﷺ) said,

“Differ from the idolaters”.

Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others.


“Differ from the Jews”.

Abu Dawud


“Differ from the Zoroastrians”

Muslim and others


‘ So these texts are general.

As for the specific, we will , if Allah Wills mention some examples for this matter which the Prophet (ﷺ) explained.


He (ﷺ) informed us that one sect will adhere to the truth, not being harmed nor diverted, until the Hour is established.’

We cannot separate these principles from each other. Were we to do so, then it will appear to some people that all of the Muslims are bound to fall victim to imitating the kufaar, and this is impossible, because it contradicts the absolute protection of the religion which Allah Tab has insured. It also contradicts the information [from the Prophet (ﷺ)] that the one truthful sect will always remain upon the right path.

On the other hand, if we look at this statement by itself without looking at the first part – i.e.-“following the Sunnah of those who preceded you”, some of us would think that this nation was immune from falling into imitation of the kufaar.

But this is not stated, nor is it implied. Because they are the saved nation , the middle/ best nation , the people of the Sunnah and the jama’ah, they are those who adhere to the Sunnah – they are not imitators. The other sect is among those who separated from Ahl Sunnah wal Jania’ah, and their separation begins due to the occurrence of imitation among them. So they are not from the sects of the ummah who left the Sunnah unless there exists in them something from the way of the ummah which perished.

Editor’s note: This is reported in many hadeeths compiled through many routes with many different additions. Among these is the following compiled by AlBukhari, “There is a group of people from my wmnah who will never cease being manifest upon the truth until Allah’s decree comes to them…”
BOOK: “Imitation Of The Kuffaar”

By: Dr. Nasr Al-Haq
Second Edition
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