The Ruling of the Sick Regarding Prayer:
What is obligatory upon the sick person is to perform the obligatory prayers according to his ability; because of the statement of the Prophet Muhammad (), when some sick people asked him about that:
“Pray while standing! And if you are not able to; then while sitting,
and if you are not able to; then on your side”.
[ Al-Bukhaari ]
Also its added that
“And if you are not able to; then pray while lying on your back.”
Offering Prayer While Standing:
- Standing during prayer is an obligatory pillar which cannot be omitted. It is obligatory for the person afflicted with an illness to pray the obligatory prayer either standing, bent, or leaning on a wall or cane when he needs to support himself.The sick person must pray standing as much as he can. Because of his statement the Most High:
“And stand before Allah with obedience.”
[Al-Baqarah: 238]
And his صلّى الله عليه وسلم , statement:
“Pray while standing.”
[Sahih Bukhaari]
Offering Prayer While Sitting:
- If the sick person cannot stand then he prays while sitting. It is best to pray crosslegged for the position of standing and bowing. Whoever is not able to bow or prostrate, but is able to stand, it is obligatory upon him to stand in prayer, and then bend down his head to indicate bowing and then sit down and bend down his head to indicate prostration.
- The guidelines for the excuse which allows one not to stand and to offer obligatory prayers sitting down, are as follows:
- That he is unable to stand.
- That it will make his sickness worse.
- That it will delay his recovery.
- That it should cause great difficulty of such a scale that he will be unable to focus properly [old aged]. If the difficulty caused is less than that, then it is not permissible for him to sit.
Offering Prayer While Lying On Bed:
If he cannot make the prayer while sitting then he can pray on his side facing the direction of prayer. The right side is the best side to pray on, but if he cannot pray facing the Qiblah [direction of the prayer], then he prays whichever way he can face and his prayer will still be correct. He will not need to repeat it.
- If he cannot make the prayer on his side then he prays lying down with his feet towards the direction of prayer. It is best that he raises his head a little to face the Q iblah [direction of the prayer], but if his feet cannot be directed to the direction of prayer prays however he can and he will not need to repeat it It is obligatory for the sick person to bow and prostrate in his prayer. If he cannot then he can motion both actions with his head. He makes the act of prostration lower than the act of bowing. And if he is able to bow without making the act of prostration then he bows and makes the motion for the act of prostration. And if he can prostrate without bowing then he can prostrate and make the motion for the act of bowing.
Offering Prayer With Gestures:
- If he is unable to move his neck also like if he is in paralysis, then he should pray with his eye movements. He closes them a little for the act of bowing and he closes them completely for the act of prostration. As for pointing with the finger as it is done by some of those afflicted with sickness then it is not correct. I do not know any basis for it in the Book or the Sunnah, nor from the statements of the People o f Knowledge.
If The Patient Is Unable To Offer The Prayer With Gestures ?
If the sick person is unable to move his head, then his intention and his statements are sufficient for him. And Salat will remain obligatory on him in all conditions, as long as his brain functions.
- If he is not able to motion with his head or make movement with his eyes then he prays within his heart. And then say the Takbeeratul Ihram [the first takbeer you make when you start the Salat] “Allahu Akbar!” [Allah is the Most Great!], with an intention for each step, he say the legislated opening prayer and recitation, and then intend bowing and say: “Allahu Akbar!”, and then say the remembrance of bowing, and then intend to raise up from bowing while stating “Sami’a Allahu liman Hamadahu” [“Allah hears all those who praised Him ”], and then add “Rabbanaa lakal hamd” [“O our Lord! To You belong all praises”], and then intend prostration and say “Allahu Akbar!” [Allah is the Most Great!], and say the remembrance of prostration. And then intend to sit between the two prostrations and say “Allahu Akbar!”, and pray to Allah as much as you can, and then intend the second prostration and say “Allahu Akbar!” Like that with intention and wording.
Combining Two Prayers:
- It is obligatory for the sick person to pray every prayer at its due time and to perform what is obligatory to perform within it. Even if he faces difficulty he performs every prayer at its due time. He can combine the Dhur [Noon prayer], and the Asr [Afternoon prayer], and the Maghrib [Sunset prayer], with the Isha [Night prayer]. This is either done by combining them earlier where the afternoon prayer is made earlier along with the noon prayer and the night prayer is made with the sunset prayer. Or it is done by combining them later where the noon prayer is made later with the afternoon prayer and the sunset prayer with the evening prayer. Whatever is easier for him. As for the Fajr [Morning prayer], then it cannot be combined to any prayer before it or any prayer after it.
Qasar Prayer:
- If the sick person is travelling to be treated in another country then he can shorten the prayers that consist of four units. So he can pray the noon, afternoon, and evening prayer as two units of prayer until he returns to his country, whether the time frame of travelling is long or short and Allah is the Granter of all success
Therefore it is not permissible to leave the Salat no m atter what the situation is, rather it is obligatory upon the sick person to safeguard his Salat during the days o f his sickness more than he does during the days o f his health. Thereupon, it is not permissible for him to neglect the obligatory prayer until after its stated fixed time is over, even if he is sick; as long as his brain functions. Rather, it is upon him to carry out the Salat at its stated fixed time according to his capability. If a sane person who reached the age of discrimination and is able to perform the Salat even by gesture, left the Salat on purpose while knowing the legislated ruling regarding it, will be sinning. And some o f the people of knowledge are on the opinion that he is a disbeliever, because o f the statement o f the Prophet ( صلّى الله عليه وسلم):
“The difference between us and them [the disbelievers] is Salat;
therefore whoever abandons it is a blasphemer.”
[Sahih Bukhari]
I pray to Allah the Glorified the most High to cure the sick Muslims and expiate their shortcomings and bless all of us with forgiveness and good health in this world and the hereafter. Verily He is the Most Generous Full of Bounty. And may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his families and his companions.
Rulings of the Sick Muslim Regarding Purification, Prayer and the Fast
BY: Shaikh, ‘Allaamah Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad bin Saalih bin Uthaymeen