43. RIYAKAARI (DIKHLAWA) [Showing Off]
Allah, Exalted be He, says:
“Say, ‘I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord – let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone.’ ”
(Qur’an: Al-Kahf: 110)
Since showing off violates the prerequisites of monotheism and renders one’s good deeds null and void, the author intends, in this chapter, to admonish Muslims against it.
In this verse, Allah, Exalted be He, commands His Prophet (PBUH) to inform people that he is an ordinary man just like them, not possessed of any of the attributes of Lordship or Divinity. Rather the Prophet Muhammad’s mission was to convey to people what Allah revealed to him. The most significant of the revelation inspired to him is that Allah is the only One deserving of worship, and that one is prohibited to associate anyone with Him in worship. People will inevitably return to Allah on the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, whoever hopes for salvation on that day, must persevere in doing good deeds which are in accordance with the S hari’ah and solely devoted to Allah.
This verse implies a command from Allah to His servant to be sincere in his worship to Allah. Sincerity in one’s worship entails avoiding showing off which is an act of polytheism.
• The essence of religion is to dedicate one’s worship only to Allah.
• Showing off in worship is a kind of polytheism.
• The polytheists commit polytheism with regard to the matters of worship.
• People are prohibited to worship others along with Allah, whether idols, prophets, righteous people or any others.
1. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
“Allah, Blessed and Exalted be He, said, ‘I am the One Who never be in need of a partner. If anyone does anything in which he associates anyone else with Me, I shall abandon him to the one whom he associates with Me.”1
(Related by Muslim)
❖ Associates anyone else with Me: Intending to direct one’s work for deities other than Allah.
❖ I shall abandon him to the one whom he associates with Me: Allah will not accept his work, and will abandon him to his false deity.
This is a qudsi (Divine) hadith as the Prophet (PBUH) conveys the Words of Allah, Almighty and Ever-Majestic be He. The Prophet (PBUH) narrates that Allah rejects any work intended for others besides Him through showing off or the like. Indeed, Allah accepts only the work devoted entirely to Him.
This hadith indicates that Allah rejects any work intended for showing off or is impaired by any other act of polytheism.
❖ Muslims are warned not to approach any act of polytheism as it causes the work to be rejected by Allah
. ❖ The obligation of having one’s work sincerely dedicated to Allah, and purely free of any type of polytheism
❖ This hadith proves that Allah is the Self-Sufficient.
❖ It also provides a proof that Allah is possessed of speech.
- Abu Sa’id (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, ‘Shall I tell you what I fear for you more than AntichristV They (the Companions) said, ‘Yes, O Messenger o f Allah!’ He said, ‘(It is) the hidden polytheism, that is, a person stands in prayer and on seeing someone looking at him, he tries to beautify his prayer.”2
(Related by Ahmad)
• Antichrist: The one who will cause the greatest fitnah (trial) a short time before the Day of Resurrection.
• Hidden polytheism: The modifier ‘hidden is inserted before the word ‘polytheism’ as one’s work appears to be devoted to Allah though it is intended for deities other than Him.
• Beautify his prayer: To make it longer and perform it perfectly.
While the Companions were talking about the fitnah (trial) of the Antichrist expressing their fears from that event, the Prophet (PBUH) joined them. Commenting on the topic under discussion, he (PBUH) informed them that there was a matter he feared for them more than the Antichrist; namely ascribing partners to Allah when making one’s intention which is invisible to people. Then he (PBUH) explained that this type of polytheism is represented in one’s interest in attracting people’s admiration by beautifying one’s work, which is supposedly intended for the sake of Allah.
This hadith implies an explanation of the act of showing off and an admonition against approaching it.
• The hadith shows the Prophet’s pity for his nation and his concern to advise them.
❖ Showing off is more dangerous to the righteous people than thefitnah (trial) of Antichrist. Muslims are to be cautious of falling into showing off or any other kind of polytheism.
Endnotes 1 Muslim (2985), Ahmad (2/301,435), Ibn Majah (4202), and Ibn Khuzaymah (938). 2 Ibn Mijah (4204) and Ahmad in Al-Musnad (3/30)