✯ Quran114
✯ Hadith26
✯ Din aur Raat mein Hazar se ziyadah Sunnatein [1000 Sunnah per Day & Night]34
✯ Duas [Supplication]15
✯ Fatawa Islamiyah [Islamic Verdicts]0
✯ Aqeedah [Creed]50
✯ Discover Islam55
✯ Seerah [Biographies]245
✯ Islamic Way of Life162
✯ Women Section127
✯ Aqwaal-e-salaf [Statements of the pious predecessors]5
✯ Hijrī Mahenay [Islamic months]12
✯ Safar-e-Akhirat aur uski Sakhtiyaan [Journey of Hearafter & its Severity]79
✯ Qur'an Transliteration in Roman Script27
✯ Aulaad ki Islami tarbiyat [Childrens Upbringing]80
✯ Qasas-ul-Anbiyaa [Prophets Stories]33
✯ Gunaah-e-kabeerah [The Major sins]69
✯ Islah-e-mo'aashra [Etiquette, Morals and Heart-Softeners]370
✯ Tibb-o-Hikmat [Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet (ﷺ) ]1
✯ Asma ul Husna [Names & Attributes of Allaah]65
✯ Islami Qanoon-e-Wirasat [Islamic law of inheritance]33
✯ Tareekh [History of Islam]37
✯ SHAKHSIYAAT [Ulama-e-Kiraam kay Khutbaat / Tahreer]88
✯ Bachon ke liye Islam [Islam For Kids]56
✯ FIQHI AHKAAM-O-MASAIL [Islamic Laws]113
E-Learning Islamic Studies/Courses.44
✯ Miscellaneous.28
10. IQAAMAT KI SUNNATEIN [The Sunnahs of Iqama]
Aazaan waali chaaron sunnaton par amal karna hai. Aisa hi “Islaami Committee Daarul Ifta saudi” ka fatwa hai.
Is tarah har namaaz ki Iqaamat ke waqt amal karnay par majmoo’yi taur par (20) sunnaton par amal hoga.
Iqaamat sunne waale ke liye sunnat yeh hai ki jaisa iqaamat kehne waala kahe raha hai waise hi woh bhi kahe. Maasiwa
حى على الصلوة
(Aao Namaz ki taraf)
(Hayya ‘alal Falaah)
حي على الفلاح
(Aao kamyaabi ki taraf ke jawab mein)
لا حول ولاقوة الابالله
La hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah.
Aur jab “Qadqaamatissalaah” kaha jaye toh us ke jawaab mein bhi waisa hi kahe. Naake “Aqaamahallahu wa adaamaha”
yeh kehna durust nahin, “Aqaamahallahu wa adaamaha” waali hadees za’eef hai.
BOOK: “Din aur Raat mein Hazar se bhi ziyadah Sunnatein”
TALEEF: Fazilatus Shaykh Khalid Al-Husaynaan.
URDU TARJUMA BY: Dr. Hafiz Mohammad Ishaaq Zahed.
The Sunnahs of Iqama
The recommendable actions when establishing the prayer.
Iqama means the second call for prayer in order to stand and align for performing the prayer.
The first four Sunna actions, as mentioned above, are applicable upon making the Iqama (establishing the prayer) as per the fatwa (legal opinion) of the Permanent Committee of the Scientific Researches & Fatwa.
Accordingly, the total number of Sunna actions which can be applied upon Iqama, in each prayer, is (20) actions of Sunna.
The following things should be taken into consideration upon hearing the Athan (Call for prayer) and Iqama (Establishing the prayer) in order to apply the Sunna accurately and gain the reward under the Will of Allah
The Almighty:
a. Turning toward the Qibla (Kabaa Direction) when making the Athan and Iqama.
b. Standing up.
c. Making ablution.
d. Refrain from speaking between the time of Athan and Iqama.
e. Keeping stability during Iqama.
f. Emphasizing on the «a» and «h» letters in the word «Allah» in Athan, but in Iqama, it can be pronounced quickly.
g. Putting fingers on the ears when making Athan.
h. Extending and raising the voice when making Athan, but lowering it when making the Iqama.
i. Separating between Athan and Iqama. The separation can take place by praying two Rak’as, or making one prostration, glorifying Allah The Almighty, sitting down, or speaking. In Al Maghrib (Sunset) prayer, it is enough to take breath only, and it is not advisable to speak between Athan and Iqama – as per some narrations – in Al Fajr (Down) prayer.
Some jurists said that it is enough to separate between Athan and Iqama by making one step only.
j- The one who hears Athan or Iqama is recommended to repeat the same words, except when hearing
(Qad Qamat As-Salat – i.e. The prayer is established), he should say (La Hawla Wala Qowwata Ella Belllah – i.e.
there is no might and no power except by Allah).
اقامت کی سنتیں
اذان کی پہلی چار سنتیں اقامت کی سنتیں بھی ہیں،جیسا کہ سعودیہ کی دائمی فتوی کونسل کا فتوی ہے۔بنا بریں دن اور رات میں اگرہر اقامت کے وقت ان سنتوں پر بھی عمل کر لیا جائے تو یوں اقامت کی بیس سنتوں پر عمل کرکے اجر عظیم حاصل کیا جا سکتا ہے۔
سنت یہ ہے کہ اقامت سننے والا بھی اسی طرح کہے جس طرح اقامت کہنے والا کہتا ہے،سوائے حَیَّ عَلَی الصَّلَاۃِ اور حَیَّ عَلَی الْفَلَاح کے کہ ان میں لَا حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّۃَ إِلَّا بِاللّٰہِ کہے گا۔اور قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلَاۃُ کے جواب میں بھی قَدْ قَامَتِ الصَّلَاۃُ ہی کہے گا نہ کہ أَقَامَہَا اللّٰہُ وَأَدَامَہَا،کیونکہ اس بارے میں جو حدیث ذکر کی جاتی ہے وہ ضعیف ہے۔
[فتوی کونسل:سعودی عرب]
“دن اور رات ميں ۱۰۰۰ سے زياده سنتيں”
تاليف: “الشيخ خالد الحسينان”
اردو ترجمعه: “ڈاکٹر حافظ محمد اسحاق زاهد”