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47. ALLAH AUR MAKHLUQ KO LAFZ “AUR” SE SHAREEK KARNA IS SE MAQSOOD [Saying ‘By the Will of Allah and Yours’]

Saying ‘By the Will of Allah and Yours’

 You associate others with Allah: Some Muslims perpetrate acts of minor polytheism.

 ❖ If Allah wills and you will: This utterance implies associating partners along with Allah in His Will.

1. Qutaylah narrated:

“A Jewish man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said, ‘You (i.e., Muslims) associate others with Allah as you say, ‘By the will of Allah and yours and say (when swearing), ‘By the Ka ‘bah! Thereupon, the Prophet (PBUH) ordered them (Muslims) to say ‘By the Lord of the Ka ‘bah! if they should swear, and to say ‘If Allah wills and then you will!

(Related by An-Nasai who graded it sahih)

A Jewish man told the Prophet (PBUH) that some Muslims fall into specific acts of minor polytheism by saying some utterances that lead to it. Thereupon, the Prophet (PBUH) confirmed what that Jewish man said, so he (PBUH) instructed Muslims to swear only by Allah, and also guided them to say instead, “If Allah wills, then you will”, to make the will of the servant subservient to the Will of Allah.

This hadith illustrates that saying, “If Allah wills and you will”, is an utterance implying minor polytheism.

❖ The statement, “By the will of Allah and yours” implies minor polytheism. Likewise, swearing by anyone other than Allah is considered minor polytheism, for the Prophet (PBUH) confirmed what the Jewish man said. The Jews are acquainted with the acts of minor polytheism.

 ❖ Muslims should earnestly try to understand the real intentions of the speaker whether what he says is motivated by his personal desire or not. 

❖ Muslims are urged to accept the truth even when told by a person embracing a religion other than Islam. 

❖ Minor polytheism does not exclude the Muslim from the fold of Islam.

❖ Muslims must refrain from uttering the words that contravene the Islamic creed of monotheism, and they should use other words that do not imply associating partners with Allah as a substitute. 

❖ If a scholar declares something to be forbidden, he is to offer a substitute that makes up for it, if possible.

 ❖ The prohibition of swearing by anyone other than Allah is so general that it also applies to swearing by the Ka’bah, which is Allah’s Sacred House on the Earth. 

❖ The hadith proves the verity of the Absolute Will of Allah and that each of His servants has his own free will. However, man’s will is definitely subservient to that of Allah.

2. Ibn ‘Abbas narrated:

“A man said to the Prophet (PBUH), “If Allah wills and you will.” Thereupon, he (PBUH) said, ‘Do you make me an equal to Allah? Say “If Allah wills Alone.’ ”

(Related by An-Nasa i)

❖ Do you make me an equal to Allah?: This is a question introduced in the form of a reprimand.

 ❖ An equal: A partner to Allah.

In this hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) expresses his disapproval of coupling his will with that of Allah through using the conjunction ‘and’ as that entails setting a created being up as equal to Allah. He (PBUH) then declared that the Absolute Will belongs to Allah Alone.

Uttering phrases such as “By the will of Allah and yours” is considered an act of attributing equals to Allah, and this act is prohibited according to the verse that reads:

 “…So do not attribute to Allah equals while you know [that there is nothing similar to Him]”

(Qur’an: Al-Baqarah: 22)

❖ It is prohibited to utter the statement, “If Allah wills and you will”, and suchlike phrases that ascribe equals to Allah.

 ❖ Whoever sets servants up as equals to Allah even in a matter regarded as minor polytheism, is regarded to have attributed rivals to Allah. 

❖ Muslims are duty bound to disapprove of evil.

 ❖ The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) has protected the Islamic creed of monotheism from corruption and blocked all avenues leading to polytheism.

1 An-Nasai (7/6) No. (3773), Ahmad (6/371 – 372), Al-Bayhaqi (3/216), Al-Hikim (4/297) grading it sahih, and Adh-Dhahabl agreed to that grading. 
2 An-Nasi’i in ‘Amal Al-Yawm wal-Laylah (Supplications o f the Day and Night) (988) and Ahmad in Al-Musnad (1/214,283,347).

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